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The Second Article of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

If you’re looking for gun reviews or videos of patriots shooting cool things, then you’re missing the point of this site. Our goal isn’t to provide entertainment (although we do have some really cool memes), but to preserve the unalienable rights of every person. The Second Amendment is the only thing standing in the way of tyrants taking every other amendment away. The resources below are being provided in an effort to help maintain the very freedoms our founding fathers built into our constitution, which also just so happen to be our God-Given Rights.

Documentary on Australia's Gun Confiscation

In the 1990’s Australian citizens had to turn in their guns or face prison time. The government and those apposing gun rights claimed it would help reduce gun violence. Not only did crime increase after the people lost their guns, but some 20ish years later the government enforced tyrannical Covid-19 lockdowns by turning law enforcement on innocent men, women and children. This is their story!

The Stats

For those in America who argue for gun control or all out bans, look no further than how horrible Australia's crime statistics went up right after they imposed the ban. Don't take our word for it, these stats were taken straight off the video above.

To every American: Gun crimes are irrelevant to gun rights. They do not matter in terms of the constitution, nor should they matter. Our rights supersede the potential for abuse by bad people, and they supersede the whims of government.

2A Resources

Guns & Gadgets

Our 2nd Amendment rights (not privileges) are constantly under attack and it’s nearly impossible to stay abreast of all the attempts to infringe on our right to own and bear arms. Guns & Gadgets has been around for many years doing an outstanding job delivering what bills are being pushed at the local, state and federal levels. The Guns & Gadgets channel brings daily updates in a concise format that gets you the facts that are often buried deep in an effort to squeak them through unnoticed.

Armed Scholar

Hearing from a Pro 2A attorney who passes information on to our community is a rarity. While this channel focuses on helping our California patriots, it’s important to understand that California is often the testing ground for the most radical left agendas in an effort to see what can be implemented in other areas of the country. The Armed Scholar is worth following as it’s opened our eyes to the crazy attacks constantly being aimed towards lawful gun owners in California.

Gun Owners of America

Alright, so it’s not that often that we get giddy over a second amendment site, but these guys are downright on the ball. They offer all sorts of resources in a really well put-together site so you can stay abreast of the latest news regarding the 2A community. They offer both state and national alerts, an action center and various other resources all gun owners should check out. We’ll stop talking, just head on over to them…NOW!

Firearms Policy Coalition

Just as they state on their website, FPC is a coalition of hundreds of thousands of Patriots organizing to take back our Constitution and defend the inalienable, fundamental, and individual right to keep and bear arms. These guys are worthy of your donations as they are taking up the fight where the NRA has largely fizzled out at over the years. While probably not as well-known or as large as Gun Owners of America, they are quickly becoming a force within the second amendment community.

Warrior Poet Society

WPS isn’t strictly a 2A site as they also offer original content covering gear reviews, safety tips and self-defense. John Lovell who is the main personality is a former special operations soldier with many combat tours under his belt. His views, tips and reviews aim to help inspire everyone better themselves. We couldn’t agree more than how John puts it himself, “If you want to better yourself; if you are a force for good, defender of the innocent, proclaimer of truth, and willing to listen in a time where people are focused on shouting, you should subscribe to our channel!”. WPS has a free YouTube Channel where they post content that is allowable on CommieTube. However, they also have an original content site which brings together even more like-minded content creators for just $99 a year. Their website can be found at

Our Mission: To preserve truth and liberty in a world dead set on erasing a free society. We the people are the sole bastions to preserving the freedoms countless people the world over have given their lives in pursuit of. It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such individuals, corporations and governments who don’t uphold every person’s inalienable rights to freedom of speech, opinion, bodily autonomy, religion and electoral governance. The pathway to preserving our freedoms once again requires a revolution against tyrannical oppression. We are the people, we are the soldiers, we are the digital patriot army!

Digital Patriot Army | Rebellion to Tyrants Is Obedience to God

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