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The Takedown of America: 2024 Predictions
Lawlessness and civil unrest will continue to increase heading up to the November 5, 2024 election and beyond. The prospect of civil war (followed by World War III in 2025?) is now highly likely. I would estimate the threat of civil war breaking out in 2024 at greater than 50-50 for reasons I have explained…
Living in a Gynocracy
Gynocracy: A form of authoritarian rule imposed on the man by the woman. The female having the man whipped and no longer being able to lead. You’re probably wondering if that was just made up for the purpose of this article. Well, it wasn’t! It’s actually a thing and is a societal cancer which was…
The Forgotten Patriots
Families have been torn apart with many January 6 marchers still being jailed in a DC Gulag without being charged. They have been denied their due rights they are supposed to be provided under law.
Ukraine: The Justification Behind Russia’s Invasion
How is it that the very media outlets that have endlessly manipulated and lied over the last few years are now our trusted sources for all things related to the happenings between Russia and Ukraine? In an effort to help our fellow patriots better understand what’s going on, we did some digging of our own.

Our Mission: To preserve truth and liberty in a world dead set on erasing a free society. We the people are the sole bastions to preserving the freedoms countless people the world over have given their lives in pursuit of. It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such individuals, corporations and governments who don’t uphold every person’s inalienable rights to freedom of speech, opinion, bodily autonomy, religion and electoral governance. The pathway to preserving our freedoms once again requires a revolution against tyrannical oppression. We are the people, we are the soldiers, we are the digital patriot army!

Digital Patriot Army | Rebellion to Tyrants Is Obedience to God

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