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Red Pill

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” 

– Morpheus, The Matrix

Know Thy Enemy: Top 50 Players of the Censorship-Industrial Complex Revealed! An in-depth report by journalist Matt Taibbi reveals the extent of a bureaucracy known as the Censorship Industrial Complex, a new system of control in the domain of “hybrid warfare.”

We are in the midst of a full blown operation for the entire population to conform to one mindset and one belief system with controlled obedience, to build a global citizen workforce that operates on demand. This may sound like some crazy conspiracy theory, but this investigative piece on the 2030 Psychological Agenda details the intricate way trusted leaders have been psychologically grooming America. Don’t take our word for it, read this investigative piece yourself!

2000 Mules Documentary

Learn how the 2020 presidential election was stolen with the help of nonprofit organizations who used Democrat-aligned "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election. This is a MUST WATCH for every American regardless of political stance!

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”— George Orwell 

Covid Red Pill Resources

We have compiled a host of resources for those who would like to learn more on the Covid-19 plandemic shots. These would be the sort of resources which are labeled misinformation by those who don’t want you to learn the truth. Read for yourself and come to your own conclusions. The resources we are providing on our Covid Red Pill page are only a few of the many that are available for those who choose to do their own research.

The Global Monetary Reset

We sit on the cusp of a global monetary reset as we witness the death of the global debt based system spearheaded by the Petro Dollar and its weaponization against the rest of the world. Some may have heard of the great reset by new world order Nazi, Klaus Schwab and the WEF (World Economic Forum) as they guide world leaders towards ushering in a global totalitarian state. All the craziness in the world since the start of the Scamdemic in 2020 is incestuously intertwined towards the resetting of the global economic order. Below are resources to awaken, help educate and ultimately build up an army of patriots around the globe to hold the line against the tyranny of the global elite. The world is only going to get crazier until this reset has completed. Only those who are informed stand any real chance of surviving through this pivotal moment in world history!

the big reset

The Big Reset

Not to be confused with “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of the Twenty-First-Century Fascism” book by Glen Beck, “The Big Reset” covers in-detail the looming financial reset. It lays out the staggering issues with how the global financial system is structured while presenting the reasons why we are so close to seeing the financial markets collapse and the world currencies restructured. Click the image to download the free PDF now!

The Covidland Series

The uncovered truth on the Covid-19 Lockdowns, Masks and Shots. Otherwise known as ‘The Plandemic”.

Other Eye Opening Documentaries

On January 6th 2021, the FBI along with help from the main stream media, orchestrated a coordinated attack on the people of the united states. The real truth was covered up to mask a color revolution perpetrated by our own government. Watch here what an actual peaceful protest looks like along with the interviews and footage not shown to the public. This is a MUST WATCH for every American regardless of political affiliation. 

Crime Spikes Show How The Midterms Were Stolen

Mike Lindell and his investigative crew show spikes in cumulative 2022 midterm vote tallies across the country that are the fingerprints of systemic election theft. See the longer more in depth version here!

Think the EPA and our government have your best interests at heart? Think again! Don’t make the mistake of shrugging this off as some tree-hugger activist greenie-weiney documentary. We assure you it is not! This documentary is downright eye opening and should leave you pretty outraged at the atrocities being committed right in our own communities.

Our Mission: To preserve truth and liberty in a world dead set on erasing a free society. We the people are the sole bastions to preserving the freedoms countless people the world over have given their lives in pursuit of. It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such individuals, corporations and governments who don’t uphold every person’s inalienable rights to freedom of speech, opinion, bodily autonomy, religion and electoral governance. The pathway to preserving our freedoms once again requires a revolution against tyrannical oppression. We are the people, we are the soldiers, we are the digital patriot army!

Digital Patriot Army | Rebellion to Tyrants Is Obedience to God

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